Hazard Studio - Conception : Hotel Fonscolombes - Vue salle restaurant soir
Hazard Studio - Conception : Hotel Fonscolombes - Vue salle restaurant jour

Conception : Hotel Fonscolombes

The management of the Hotel Fonscolombes in Aix-en-Provence asked Hazard Studio to design, decorate and fit out their hotel.


Decorating and fitting out a top-of-the-range hotel in Provence


Alfredo Rodriguez, a specialist in top-of-the-range furnishings, worked on the decoration and layout of this hotel, located in a protected building. Located in a protected building. The design and execution also included the restaurant located at the heart of the Domaine of the Fonscolombe estate. The aim was to combine the authentic charm of the site with contemporary design to create a unique atmosphere.


This project is an example of the decoration and fitting out of a top-of-the-range hotel by Hazard Studio.


Hazard Studio can offer you its expertise in fitting out hotels such as this 6,000 m2 space in Aix-en-Provence. We can also work on individual flats or houses. We also respond to your requests for other types of professional spaces such as bars, galleries, concept stores, corners, shops, etc. and for any space design request, wherever you are in the world.


Don't hesitate to contact our teams!


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Place : Aix-en-Provences - FRANCE

Area : 6 000m²